2022 IRONMAN 70.3 Taiwan 國際鐵人三項賽

IRONMAN 70.3 / Iron Girl / IRONKIDS 台東國際鐵人三項賽舉辦日期:2022 年 3 月 5-6 日。

台灣鐵人三項公司於 2009 年成立,是由林澤浩董事長和一群喜愛鐵人三項運動的同好所組成,代理全世界最知名的鐵人三項運動賽事品牌 IRONMAN。

IRONMAN 70.3 Taiwan 是 113 公里賽事,目前在台東以及墾丁舉辦;在澎湖舉辦的 IRONMAN Taiwan,則是 226 公里距離的賽事。


Founded by Renny Lin and his fellow triathlon teammates, Taiwan Triathlon Ltd. has successfully introduced the world renowned triathlon series - IRONMAN into Taiwan in 2009.IRONMAN 70.3 Taiwan series has a total millage of 113 kilometre, whereas the IRONMAN Taiwan series has a total millage of 226 kilometres. Every year, thousands of Triathletes from all around the world travel to Taiwan’s best racing spots - Taitung, Kenting and Penghu to compete in this prestigious triathlon series. 【IRONMAN 70.3 in Taiwan】facebook IRONMAN 70.3 Taiwan